Parallel Space - 64Bit Support

Parallel Space 64-Bit Support
This app helps improve the performance of Parallel Space and solve a following issue:
• Improved the stability of Parallel Space
• Fixed the compatibility issue between Parallel Space and 64-bit devices that run Android 6.0 or 6.0.1 (e.g. fixed the issue that screen possibly turns black while opening 2nd apps in Parallel Space)
Note: The app is an add-on for Paralle Space. Please install Parallel Space on your phone first.
Parallel Space
• Log in to multi accounts of social networking apps or game apps at the same time on one device
• Protect privacy, make them invisible on your device through Incognito Installation
This app helps improve the performance of Parallel Space and solve a following issue:
• Improved the stability of Parallel Space
• Fixed the compatibility issue between Parallel Space and 64-bit devices that run Android 6.0 or 6.0.1 (e.g. fixed the issue that screen possibly turns black while opening 2nd apps in Parallel Space)
Note: The app is an add-on for Paralle Space. Please install Parallel Space on your phone first.
Parallel Space
• Log in to multi accounts of social networking apps or game apps at the same time on one device
• Protect privacy, make them invisible on your device through Incognito Installation
Download Parallel Space - 64Bit Support v1.0.3016
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