Dual Space - Multiple Accounts & Parallel APP

Version: 4.0.3 and up
Category: Tools
Developer: Qilu Tech
Android version: PEGI
Updated: 2018.05.01
Dual Space has been recommended to hundreds of countries' appstore homepage by GP after we released the app for two months.
Did you have to frequently switch different social account of same app on your phone?
Have you ever used two or more phones for keeping your accounts online just in case of missing any message from WhatsApp?
Now, the black technology, Dual Space has released! It can perfectly solve your problem! You can easily use one phone to log in multiple accounts and keep them all online at the same time! And you don’t need to worry about the message reception and data storage problem of different accounts, because they will work independently and with no interference to each other.
Keep multiple social accounts logged in simultaneously.
· Keep your personal accounts and work accounts both online at the same time, and you can balance between life and work easily.
· Almost all social apps are supported
Did you have to frequently switch different social account of same app on your phone?
Have you ever used two or more phones for keeping your accounts online just in case of missing any message from WhatsApp?
Now, the black technology, Dual Space has released! It can perfectly solve your problem! You can easily use one phone to log in multiple accounts and keep them all online at the same time! And you don’t need to worry about the message reception and data storage problem of different accounts, because they will work independently and with no interference to each other.
Keep multiple social accounts logged in simultaneously.
· Keep your personal accounts and work accounts both online at the same time, and you can balance between life and work easily.
· Almost all social apps are supported
Download Dual Space - Multiple Accounts & Parallel APP v4.0.3 and up
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