InstaGame : Social Network Game (MOD, Unlimited Money)

Version: 2018.2.f6
Developer: Gamestacy Entertainment
Android version: 4.1+
Updated: 2021.02.01
Do you want to rule the social media world? Do you want to have a massive following? Do you love social media? Well, you’ll love InstaGame – social network game. It gives you the ability to post content in the form of stories and posts and get free rewards to build a fantastic profile with millions of followers. It mixes the best features of role-playing games and social media games into one fun in the game.
Create a profile and select your avatar. You are now ready to start posting. In your home page tap on the task rewards and free rewards, and start posting content on your profile. It can photo of your avatar or various memes and photos.
The more you post, the more likes and followers you will get. Moreover, the more you get followers and likes, the more coins you will get. The coins give you the ability to purchase items or posts. Your rewards for posting is in credit, premium coins and followe
Create a profile and select your avatar. You are now ready to start posting. In your home page tap on the task rewards and free rewards, and start posting content on your profile. It can photo of your avatar or various memes and photos.
The more you post, the more likes and followers you will get. Moreover, the more you get followers and likes, the more coins you will get. The coins give you the ability to purchase items or posts. Your rewards for posting is in credit, premium coins and followe
Download InstaGame : Social Network Game (MOD, Unlimited Money) v2018.2.f6
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