Dragon Scroll (MOD, Unlimited Money)

Play as a main character in the Dragon Scroll. Run, jump and slash your way through a vast world of platforming challenges and embark on an epic adventure! The mobile hack and slash adventure game and a 2 dimension pixel platformer, now also available for Android phones and tablets.Experience the adventure to stand against darkness and bring back the peace and serenity that once was.
You have to take back all the scrolls hat have been taken by the betrayal. The story in a Dragon Scroll begin in a kingdom in a peaceful, blissful and beautiful land far far away named Earlandia, people were living comfortable lives in peace and harmony under the reign of the most respected and powerful clan called Yuchie's clan
Until one night there came a deadly storm and suddenly turned into chaos, some of the people of the clan have been tragically killed and some of them ran to the mountain to protect thrmselves. They had been attacked by someone they knew and have once been the greate
You have to take back all the scrolls hat have been taken by the betrayal. The story in a Dragon Scroll begin in a kingdom in a peaceful, blissful and beautiful land far far away named Earlandia, people were living comfortable lives in peace and harmony under the reign of the most respected and powerful clan called Yuchie's clan
Until one night there came a deadly storm and suddenly turned into chaos, some of the people of the clan have been tragically killed and some of them ran to the mountain to protect thrmselves. They had been attacked by someone they knew and have once been the greate
Download Dragon Scroll (MOD, Unlimited Money) v1.5.3
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