European War 6: 1804 (MOD, Unlimited Money)

After the end of the American War of Independence, the French Revolution
broke out in Europe in 1789. The world is about to change !
Napoleon, Duke of Wellington, Nelson, Blucher, Kutuzov, Washington, Davout
and other military geniuses will become protagonists in changing this world.As an excellent commander, it is time for you to create winning strategy and tactics, mobilize troops and make immortal achievements!
*** More than 90 famous battles in 10 chapters
『Declaration of Independence』 『Dominion of Canada』『French Eagle』『Holy Roman Empire』『Overlord in Eastern Europe』
『Ottoman Empire』『British Empire』『Liberation of South America』『The Birth of the Empire』『Roman Unification』
*** Choose your generals and promote their ranks and titles
*** Train the special units, such as the old guards, highlanders, death's head hussars, etc.
*** Build a palace and get the princess of each country
*** Train your army and i
broke out in Europe in 1789. The world is about to change !
Napoleon, Duke of Wellington, Nelson, Blucher, Kutuzov, Washington, Davout
and other military geniuses will become protagonists in changing this world.As an excellent commander, it is time for you to create winning strategy and tactics, mobilize troops and make immortal achievements!
*** More than 90 famous battles in 10 chapters
『Declaration of Independence』 『Dominion of Canada』『French Eagle』『Holy Roman Empire』『Overlord in Eastern Europe』
『Ottoman Empire』『British Empire』『Liberation of South America』『The Birth of the Empire』『Roman Unification』
*** Choose your generals and promote their ranks and titles
*** Train the special units, such as the old guards, highlanders, death's head hussars, etc.
*** Build a palace and get the princess of each country
*** Train your army and i
Download European War 6: 1804 (MOD, Unlimited Money) v1.2.40
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