Find My Kids: Child GPS-watch & Phone Tracker

Version: 1.9.9
Category: Parenting
Android version: 4.1+
Updated: 2019.08.31
“Find My Kids” is a family GPS tracker for child safety and parental control. You can connect GPS watch or install special program on child's phone.
Find my kids is a tracking app for parents that will help you not to worry if your children are not with you and they don't hear your calls.
GPS locator – track the child’s location on the map and the history of movements for the day, make sure that your child doesn't visit dangerous places.
Sound around – listen to what is happening around your child, to feel certain that he is fine and in a good company.
Loud signal – send a loud signal to the child’s phone if he left the phone in a backpack or turned on silent mode and doesn't hear the call.
Application Control – find out what apps they used in school, whether they played in the classroom instead of learning.
Security control – check that your child has come to school on time – get notifications when he comes to sch
Find my kids is a tracking app for parents that will help you not to worry if your children are not with you and they don't hear your calls.
GPS locator – track the child’s location on the map and the history of movements for the day, make sure that your child doesn't visit dangerous places.
Sound around – listen to what is happening around your child, to feel certain that he is fine and in a good company.
Loud signal – send a loud signal to the child’s phone if he left the phone in a backpack or turned on silent mode and doesn't hear the call.
Application Control – find out what apps they used in school, whether they played in the classroom instead of learning.
Security control – check that your child has come to school on time – get notifications when he comes to sch
Download Find My Kids: Child GPS-watch & Phone Tracker v1.9.9
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