
Toca Hair Salon 4 – a hair salon simulator with cartoon style, realistic physics and almost unlimited freedom of action. The developers moved the events to a fictional world where thousands of

YoYa: Busy Life World – a cartoonish sandbox game with educational overtones. With the help of virtual characters and locations available in an unlimited number of locations, developers from YoYa

Miga Town: My World – a fun game where you can create your own world. If you like to explore cities, make friends and have fun, then you can download the game Miga Town: My World directly to your

Sago Mini World: Kids Games – an educational and entertaining puzzle game with creative challenges for preschoolers and young adventurers who are still exploring the world and absorbing any

Dr. Panda Town - Let's Create! – an educational and entertaining puzzle game with cartoony graphics, simple challenges and almost unlimited freedom of action. The developers moved the events to

LEGO Duplo Marvel – a cartoony puzzle game aimed at young adventurers already familiar with the world around them, but dreaming of a glimpse into fantasy worlds filled with superheroes. And the

Sago Mini Camping – an educational and entertaining puzzle game with atmospheric scenery, fun challenges and unlimited freedom of action. The developers moved the events to a children's camp,

NeuroNation - Brain Training – a collection of training challenges and intellectual puzzles that can develop memory, concentration and spatial thinking in a fun way. Developers offer to progress

Pinkfong Dino World – an educational and entertaining puzzle game designed specifically for young adventurers and intrepid explorers. The developers allow you to take a look at an unusual natural

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Peak is the fun, free brain training workout designed around you. Peak uses brain games and puzzles to challenge memory, language and critical thinking to keep your mind active. With brain games made