
Version: 1.2.0
Category: Food & Drink
Developer: McDonald's Apps
Android version: 4.2
Updated: 2018.05.11
Download the McDonald's™ App for unique offers!
- Unique offers always available in the palm of your hand! Use the app to access offers, which you can directly redeem at the cashier of the restaurant with your mobile phone!
- Whatever you need to know about McDonald's™: our menu, store finder (by location), new products and new restaurants, nutritional info and even the Happy Meal™ toys of the month!
- Enjoy fun moments with games, competitions and tasty gifts! Stay tuned!
- Unique offers always available in the palm of your hand! Use the app to access offers, which you can directly redeem at the cashier of the restaurant with your mobile phone!
- Whatever you need to know about McDonald's™: our menu, store finder (by location), new products and new restaurants, nutritional info and even the Happy Meal™ toys of the month!
- Enjoy fun moments with games, competitions and tasty gifts! Stay tuned!
Download McDonald's v1.2.0
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