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Stick War 3 (MOD, Unlimited Money)

Stick War 3 (MOD, Unlimited Money)
Version: 2025.4.780
Category: Strategy, Mod
Android version: 5.0+


Stick War 3 – a military-tactical strategy with elements of role-playing development, non-linear storytelling and a dynamic combat system that forces you to constantly adapt to the actions of opponents. And how exactly - depends on the preferred style of dominance in virtual arenas. Why not take advantage of the power of the summoned wizards, who can unleash ice and fire on enemy positions? Or is it worth training archers and foot soldiers, because physical strength conveys information much better than illusory magic? Any solution will work if you act in a timely manner and constantly experiment!

Download Stick War 3 (MOD, Unlimited Money) v2025.4.780
On our site you can download mod apk for game Stick War 3 (MOD, Unlimited Money)
Download Stick War 3 (MOD, Unlimited Money) v2025.4.780.apk

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