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Teeter Up: Remastered (Mod)

Teeter Up: Remastered (Mod)
Version: 1.9.5
Category: Arcade, Mod
Android version: 8.0+


Teeter Up: Remastered – Netflix's meditative puzzle game with a cartoonish style and an impressive collection of challenges that force you to bring a special ball into virtual holes almost continuously. It would seem that the task is simple - all you need is a special board and a properly chosen strategy of action. But in fact, controlling the position of objects in space is another challenge - you have to constantly experiment, change tactics, and at least periodically, but look at the Game Over splash screen. How else? Progress is impossible without offensive defeats!

Download Teeter Up: Remastered (Mod) v1.9.5
On our site you can download mod apk for game Teeter Up: Remastered (Mod)
Download Teeter Up: Remastered (Mod) v1.9.5.apk

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