Drake n Trap (Mod)

[Game Features]
New Expedition unprecedented!
- Summon Units and Avoid traps to conquer powerful Boss.
- Find hidden treasures of the dungeon.
Major Combat with simple operating!
- Implement a various strategy easily and handily.
To conquer various traps!
- The dangerous traps nonreassuring.
- You can lure the monsters on the traps to kill them.
The Arena with Users throughout the world!
- A Competition mode between 6 players at the real time!
- Break Through various dungeons classified by the tier.
Challenge the highest tier! Ranking Mode!
- Eliminate the boss appeared each 5 floors to be the best leader.
Organize your own powerful deck!
- The Attractive Units like Warrior, Archer, even Magician.
- The Drake have own skills to take effects with explosion, healing, invincibility.
- Making the best team to use charming units and drake.
The Nurture/Growth Syst
New Expedition unprecedented!
- Summon Units and Avoid traps to conquer powerful Boss.
- Find hidden treasures of the dungeon.
Major Combat with simple operating!
- Implement a various strategy easily and handily.
To conquer various traps!
- The dangerous traps nonreassuring.
- You can lure the monsters on the traps to kill them.
The Arena with Users throughout the world!
- A Competition mode between 6 players at the real time!
- Break Through various dungeons classified by the tier.
Challenge the highest tier! Ranking Mode!
- Eliminate the boss appeared each 5 floors to be the best leader.
Organize your own powerful deck!
- The Attractive Units like Warrior, Archer, even Magician.
- The Drake have own skills to take effects with explosion, healing, invincibility.
- Making the best team to use charming units and drake.
The Nurture/Growth Syst
Download Drake n Trap (Mod) v1.0.19
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