Dino 3D от Хауди Хо™ (MOD, Unlimited Money)

Dino 3D от Хауди Хо™ – a notorious arcade game that has become a hallmark of the Google Chrome browser, and has recently been embodied in 3D by a popular YouTube blogger. And, although the familiar world has become larger and the scenery more realistic, the usual gameplay has not changed: as in the "original", the virtual dinosaur will have to collect scattered coins, jump over obstacles and score points to get into the leaderboard. The goals are familiar, but Howdy Ho has increased the complexity even more, and at the same time it forces him to compete with opponents from all over the world. The table is international, and records are broken by real grandmasters.
Download Dino 3D от Хауди Хо™ (MOD, Unlimited Money) v0.5.1
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