Dragons: Miracle Collection (MOD, Unlimited Money)

Create a pair for dragons, monsters and fairies in your world.
Dragons, monsters, magic and secrets, interesting quests and entertainments - all this awaits you in the magical world of Dragons: Miracle Collection. Combine everything you see, get something better, combine what you received - and so on!
In the mystical land far beyond the clouds lived and prospered the island of Mystical dragons. Discover all the islands of the Magic Kingdom with the help of your magic gift combine everything you want: dragon eggs, dragons, monsters, baby dragons.
Match the eggs to hatch dragons. Then combine dragons to get a stronger breed!
Discover islands and raise dragons - and happy coincidences will surprise you!
• Discover over 150 fantastic objects to match, combine and interact in 100 challenges!
• Discover all the mysterious islands - the island of dragons, the island of monsters and the island of baby dragons.
• Discover all m
Dragons, monsters, magic and secrets, interesting quests and entertainments - all this awaits you in the magical world of Dragons: Miracle Collection. Combine everything you see, get something better, combine what you received - and so on!
In the mystical land far beyond the clouds lived and prospered the island of Mystical dragons. Discover all the islands of the Magic Kingdom with the help of your magic gift combine everything you want: dragon eggs, dragons, monsters, baby dragons.
Match the eggs to hatch dragons. Then combine dragons to get a stronger breed!
Discover islands and raise dragons - and happy coincidences will surprise you!
• Discover over 150 fantastic objects to match, combine and interact in 100 challenges!
• Discover all the mysterious islands - the island of dragons, the island of monsters and the island of baby dragons.
• Discover all m
Download Dragons: Miracle Collection (MOD, Unlimited Money) v2.1.11
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