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Pascal's Wager

Pascal's Wager
Version: 0.2.1
Category: Action
Android version: 0.2.1+


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■ Description

Pascal's Wager is an action role playing game with the style of dark fantasy. The game provides its players with top-notch picture quality and a feast for the senses that the mobile platform has never had before. In the game, the world is shrouded by dark mist, where light is dim and mysterious. People there become lunatic, and nobody knows the secrets behind that.

Players can play multiple characters to experience the strong storyline and reveal various hidden areas of the map. Along the way, they will fight unbelievable enemies, confront epic bosses, and embrace overwhelming death and truth. All the while, they'll be engrossed by a magnificent soundtrack performed by a world-class orchestra.

■ Features

- An incredibly Rich and Deep story, 20 or more hours of content

- Four operable characters, with different combat modes and skill trees


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