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Bushido Saga

Bushido Saga
Version: 1.5.6
Category: Action
Android version: 4.0.3+


BATTLE the fierce SAMURAI, the stealthy NINJA and the fearsome RONIN!

Choose your weapon! the blade katana, the halberd naginata, the bow daikyu, the spear yari, and many other cutting blades, crushing hammers, and ranged bows!

Bushido Saga - Nightmare of the Samurai relies heavily on quality gameplay allied with powerful storytelling. Inspired on the japanese legend of the forty seven ronin. You are Kuranosuke, an honorable samurai, who must uncover a terrible plot against your master, Lord Asano and prevent his assassination by forces of darkness. Unravel the conspiracy and vanquish his enemies before it is too late!

◉ UNRAVEL a deadly conspiracy against you lord!
◉ SLASH your enemies by swiping the screen. Control is at your fingertips!
◉ BATTLE dozens of minions as only a skilled and expert SAMURAI can do!
◉ WEAPONRY dictates your style of playing: swift slashes with the katana, the long slicing movements with the halberd naginata, st

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