Mad Town Online (MOD, Unlimited Money)

Mad Town Online is a great open-source multiplayer shooter. At your disposal a large city, a huge selection of vehicles, such as cars, motorcycles, helicopters, bicycles, trucks, etc. You can get any kind of job, from the cleaner to the policeman. With the money you earn, you can buy a house or an apartment, as the game has a large selection of real estate. If you decide to go to the criminal side, then you have a huge selection of weapons, ranging from pistols to grenade launchers. And also you can create your own gang and hire up to 6 fighters, with the help of them you can capture control points and get additional profits. You have the opportunity to buy weapons and body armor for your gang members to fight off enemy gangs. If you bought the best weapon, body armor and helmet, then you can try your luck and rob a bank, but be prepared to be repulsed by the local police, special forces and a helicopter that will circle you and fire at you. The game also has a storyline.
Download Mad Town Online (MOD, Unlimited Money) v1.0
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