Dictator 2 (MOD, Unlimited Money)

Meet the sequel to one of the best strategic games in the US, Canada, Australia, Germany, Russia, UK and many other countries!
You are the young dictator of a fledgling democratic republic. Anyone would dream of being in your place, because you wield unlimited power.
You must make wise and timely decisions, eliminate scheming enemies, pay tributes to true friends, deftly uncover plots, and expose insidious conspiracies.
When a better tomorrow in your country is no longer a dream, you can go even further! Conquer the rest of the world. Form your own army and defeat your glorious dictatorship's most treacherous foes! Skillfully develop captured territories and lead your people to a great future of despotism!
Dictate the fashion of the day to millions of people – their gaze is riveted upon you alone.
Your task is to remain being dictator as long as possible and seize as much territory as you can! Good luck!
Experience this unique mix of card bat
You are the young dictator of a fledgling democratic republic. Anyone would dream of being in your place, because you wield unlimited power.
You must make wise and timely decisions, eliminate scheming enemies, pay tributes to true friends, deftly uncover plots, and expose insidious conspiracies.
When a better tomorrow in your country is no longer a dream, you can go even further! Conquer the rest of the world. Form your own army and defeat your glorious dictatorship's most treacherous foes! Skillfully develop captured territories and lead your people to a great future of despotism!
Dictate the fashion of the day to millions of people – their gaze is riveted upon you alone.
Your task is to remain being dictator as long as possible and seize as much territory as you can! Good luck!
Experience this unique mix of card bat
Download Dictator 2 (MOD, Unlimited Money) v1.4.9
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