Palmistry & Horoscope Guide

Version: 1.0.22
Category: Lifestyle
Developer: Digital Cat
Android version: 4.1+
Updated: 2019.08.08
Palmistry & Horoscope Guide! This is the original application for those who are looking for astrological knowledge from world famous astrologers.
You have many questions and unresolved life situations. It's difficult to make right decisions about things that are very important for you. Our experts will be happy to read your palm lines and provide detailed and personal reading results. You will receive very relevant, genuine and personalized information that you will not find anywhere else.
Here you can find:
- Palm Reading (you will get real-time palm reading based on your personal palm lines)
- Daily, Monthly Horoscope (love, personal, professional and health)
- Compatibility reports (you will learn about your compatibility with different people)
- Biorhythm graphics.
You have many questions and unresolved life situations. It's difficult to make right decisions about things that are very important for you. Our experts will be happy to read your palm lines and provide detailed and personal reading results. You will receive very relevant, genuine and personalized information that you will not find anywhere else.
Here you can find:
- Palm Reading (you will get real-time palm reading based on your personal palm lines)
- Daily, Monthly Horoscope (love, personal, professional and health)
- Compatibility reports (you will learn about your compatibility with different people)
- Biorhythm graphics.
Download Palmistry & Horoscope Guide v1.0.22
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