
Japanese SRPG masterpiece Langrisser has finally arrived on mobile! Experience exhilarating turn-based battles, class-based strategic combat, unique upgrade paths for each hero, real-time PvP, world-class artwork, an all-star voiceover cast, and an unforgettable musical score, as you explore a vast fantasy world! Heed the Langrisser’s call and save the continent of El Sallia from destruction!
Official Website:
Embark on a Magical Quest for the Legendary Sword!
Langrisser’s first mobile outing takes us back to the continent of El Sallia to experience an all-new chapter in the great legend of the holy sword.
Classic Turn-based Strategic Battles!
Langrisser’s core gameplay makes a welcome return – engage in exciting turn-based battles where you must counter your enemy’s units with the classic class priority system and use terrain bonuses to your advantage, all the
Official Website:
Embark on a Magical Quest for the Legendary Sword!
Langrisser’s first mobile outing takes us back to the continent of El Sallia to experience an all-new chapter in the great legend of the holy sword.
Classic Turn-based Strategic Battles!
Langrisser’s core gameplay makes a welcome return – engage in exciting turn-based battles where you must counter your enemy’s units with the classic class priority system and use terrain bonuses to your advantage, all the
Download Langrisser v2.1.2
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