Nextdoor - Local neighborhood news & classifieds

Over 175,000 neighborhoods across the country use Nextdoor.
Nextdoor is the free, private social network for your neighborhood.
Use Nextdoor to stay informed about what’s going on in your neighborhood—whether it’s finding a last-minute babysitter, garage sale, dog walker, keeping up with local news, planning a local event, or sharing safety tips.
There are so many ways our neighbors can help us, we just need an easier way to connect with them.
Whether you’re looking to get to know the people on your street, hire a local babysitter, find yard sale deals, or sell your unwanted household items, Nextdoor makes it easy to talk with neighbors about what matters most to you.
See for yourself why Nextdoor is the #1 neighborhood app:
• Track down a trustworthy babysitter or a recommended nanny
• Get free stuff when a neighbor offers up that used appliance she no longer needs
• Organize a neighborhood watch—quickly get the word
Nextdoor is the free, private social network for your neighborhood.
Use Nextdoor to stay informed about what’s going on in your neighborhood—whether it’s finding a last-minute babysitter, garage sale, dog walker, keeping up with local news, planning a local event, or sharing safety tips.
There are so many ways our neighbors can help us, we just need an easier way to connect with them.
Whether you’re looking to get to know the people on your street, hire a local babysitter, find yard sale deals, or sell your unwanted household items, Nextdoor makes it easy to talk with neighbors about what matters most to you.
See for yourself why Nextdoor is the #1 neighborhood app:
• Track down a trustworthy babysitter or a recommended nanny
• Get free stuff when a neighbor offers up that used appliance she no longer needs
• Organize a neighborhood watch—quickly get the word
Download Nextdoor - Local neighborhood news & classifieds v2.82
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