Taxi Meter

Version: 1.0.9
Category: Auto & Vehicles
Developer: DaDa DeV
Android version: 4.1
Updated: 2018.09.20
Program "TaxiMeter" - Automatically calculates the cost of travel based on the set tariffs, travel time and distance traveled, and then informs the customer about the amount of payment.
The application of the taximeter allows the driver to go into change without contacting the dispatcher, take orders and take advantage of navigation. Thus, "TaxiMeter" with built-in gps-taximeter allows:
• You can set the fare yourself, for the Distance and for the waiting time;
• Avoid the cost of extra equipment: the application is installed on a mobile phone or smartphone;
• Save time on processing and order acceptance for execution;
• Significantly reduce the risk of conflict situations in the communication of drivers and dispatchers;
• Control the execution of orders and their value;
• Increase customer confidence in taxi drivers through transparent pricing.
Using a taximeter significantly increases the efficiency of work.
The application of the taximeter allows the driver to go into change without contacting the dispatcher, take orders and take advantage of navigation. Thus, "TaxiMeter" with built-in gps-taximeter allows:
• You can set the fare yourself, for the Distance and for the waiting time;
• Avoid the cost of extra equipment: the application is installed on a mobile phone or smartphone;
• Save time on processing and order acceptance for execution;
• Significantly reduce the risk of conflict situations in the communication of drivers and dispatchers;
• Control the execution of orders and their value;
• Increase customer confidence in taxi drivers through transparent pricing.
Using a taximeter significantly increases the efficiency of work.
Download Taxi Meter v1.0.9
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