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Matchington Mansion (MOD, Unlimited Money)

Matchington Mansion (MOD, Unlimited Money)
Version: 1.176.0
Category: Mod, Puzzle
Android version: 4.1+


Matchington Mansion – an atmospheric match 3 puzzle game with classic gameplay for the genre and a couple of experimental features centered around renovating a rickety mansion. The developers propose to deal with the tests, accumulate action points, and then use forces to replace furniture, repaint walls and ceilings. As the powers go, there will be more - there will be a chance to make empty rooms with accessories, and to diversify the walls with paintings. But the complexity will also increase noticeably: the requirements for puzzles will increase, and mistakes made will instantly lead to the appearance of the Game Over splash screen.
Download Matchington Mansion (MOD, Unlimited Money) v1.176.0
On our site you can download mod apk for game Matchington Mansion (MOD, Unlimited Money)
Download Matchington Mansion (MOD, Unlimited Money) v1.176.0.apk

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